E. Balashov
person is a measure of all things Е
УOur time Ф and false
Now it has
become almost a rule of a good form to abuse our time, to speak about its
weights, etc., etc.
those abuse who are 50-60 years old. Here we face with a phenomenon of a false
objectivism. This phenomenon arises in a situation when a person, who is being
guided on an object, objective reality, tries to etch from his consciousness
all subjective, as though to deduct himself from a reality. Such position
results the situation when the person ceases to take into account his feature -
subjectivity by consideration of object and it results to a situation of
self-deception, to a false objectivism. It seems to him, that he estimates
things objectively. And in practice pretty often he brings in this estimation
his subjective features, predilections imperceptibly as his does not take them
into account and, accordingly, his does not correct his estimation. As a
result, instead of the present objectivism we see subjectivity, dressed up in a
toga of a false, imaginary objectivism.
Let's take
such rather widespread and somewhere even an ordinary example of a false
objectivism: grumbling of old men concerning perversity of present youth,
concerning bad present time and, on the contrary, - eulogy of the time of their
youth. Thus they frequently assure themselves and others that they objectively
estimate this and other time. Old men usually forget, that in the youth they
were full of energy, positive emotions, all seemed to them better, and that in
their senile condition there is no energy beating too much, feelings have
mostly become dull, have cooled down and the painful sensations caused by a
natural course of involution, aging dominate. From here old men are inclined to
exaggerate goodness of time
of their youth and badness of present
time. As involution begins
approximately after 25th years age, both 40-years and 50-years...old people can
appear in the situation of the old men.
Now let's take
a take an example of a researcher estimating our time. The researcher in contrast to a
grumbling old man, tries to be maximum
objective, he analyzes mass of facts, weighs all pro et contra,
and only then makes conclusions, estimates. If, however, he does not take into account
his own subjectivity, at an estimation of the complex phenomena, such as Уour
timeФ, he will be pretty often tendentiously analyze and estimate facts. If
this researcher is more than 40 or 50 years old he will project his negative
emotions for present time, and this time will be the same sad for him as his
own present life. If this researcher has taken the responsibility to
interrogate 20 - 30-years old young people he mostly would meet positive or
quiet reaction about present time. And really, how could young people, estimate
their time! They did not live in other time. The researcher, by the way, if he does not want to
appear in the situation of false objectivism, should take into account not only
the subjectivity, but also subjectivity, subjective sensations of these young people and in general, as
possible, - of other many people.
As it seems to
me, the researcher, analyzing and estimating Уour timeФ, cannot make any scientific conclusions applying for the unequivocal validity. In fact the phenomenon of
"our timeФ is so complicate, that any scientific method - way will show
only simplified and consequentlyа unilateral picture of the event. Only
philosophical estimation
of our time is possible. And by definition it does not apply for the
unconditional validity and unconditional objectivity, impartiality. Yes,
certainly, Уit is not necessary to measure the temperature of the society,
putting a thermometer under your mousyФ. But don't forget that Уthe person is a
measure of all thingsФ. And other measures do not exist.
there are always people which abuse time, their
present epoch, civilization. How many destroying characteristics given by
well-known people (both in an antiquity, and during new time, and in XX
century) appeared! By the lips of Hamlet Shakespeare said: лconnection of time
had been broken╗. Our A.S.Pushkin characterized his
time as лa severe century╗ (a poem "Monument"). Film director Andrey Tarkovsky confirmed: лthe
modern civilization had gone to impasse ╗ (from the film about this film
director), etc., etc. It is possible to result hundreds - thousand similar
statements. What does this mean? That means, that as a rule, time is not bad,
but people, adjusted pessimistically on different circumstances, think and say
about their time badly, i.e. they hurry with negative generalizations, make a
logic mistake of hasty generalization.
Personally I
like more the words of Russian philosopher I.A.Iljin:
лNever complain about the time you were born to make it better╗.
* *
he sees lie in any neighbour As the neighbour is
similar to him!
Well - known
poet Dmitry Prigov went as
far as to say that he twice named the person as the rascal in the TV program
"Delicacies" that was shown on TVS on March, 23, 2003. Second time he said
so: лthe Person by the nature is anywhere the rascal╗. What could be told about
this? Shocking, irresponsibility, slander about the person or loss of reference
points, confusion. Prigov can be regretted only. So
he is poisoned with poison of anticulture and antihumanism... It is visible, that he saw little love,
kindness, geniality, nobleness, conscientious, decent, worthy people in his
information: the word "rascal" in Russian means: лby the mean, low,
disgraceful person, the villain, the bastard╗, and the word "meanly"
means extremely disgraceful, i.e. low, mean]
The one who asserts, that the person by the nature is the
rascal, is the rascal himself. лAny villain, - V.V.Stasov
said, - always suspects other people have any meanness╗.
And, on the
contrary, лmore the
person is respectable, it more difficult to him to suspect others of disgrace ╗
Somebody, who
asserts, that the person on the nature is the rascal, is not simply
dishonorable, but he is ideologically - is meaning dishonorable, making
philosophy from his dishonorableness. Ether he erects the personal
dishonorableness in dishonorableness of all people, or he except all other are
rascals... In this and other case the person shows directly or indirectly his
Unfortunate and criminal consciousness
People with
such consciousness recognize that "the world is full of evil", that
all or the majority of people got stuck in a sin, that they are vicious,
egoists, swine's, etc., etc. The
Unfortunate consciousness is a consciousness of a victim, and criminal
consciousness is consciousness of the villain.
The person
with unfortunate consciousness passively think about evil as a victim, he is
intimidated, he complains, shouts, yells, but does himself nothing.
The person
with criminal consciousness, including all or the majority of people as
villains counts self him as the same. Such person argues: as the people are bad
there is no sense to stand up in ceremony with them, and it is possible and it
is necessary to address with them as they deserve that, i.e. it is severe,
philosophers freely or involuntarily accompany people with criminal
consciousness, declaring, in particular, that the person is a malicious animal
(F.Nitsshe), a mistake, hack-work of the nature, the most vile essence on the Earth, etc.
of unfortunate and-or criminal consciousness:
Some women
count men as egoists, animal, etc. (the Heroine of a TV serial "Turkish Marche", created on basis at the same named book of Fridriha Neznanskogo, says: "Yes, there are noа normal, men presented, Sash").
Some men count
women as streetwalts, as silly creations. They even
have thought up a saying "search for a woman". The main hero of the
Polish film "Sorcerer" Antoni Kaciba directly
declares: "All evil in the word is created by women".
of one nationality (sort, tribe, race) sometime count
others as the lowest, dirty, mean, wild, essences.
of one religious faith sometime count representatives of other religious faiths
or non-believers asа
incorrect, i.e. defective, defective and even as enemies.
prosecutor Vilfor from "Graf Monte-Cristo's",
written by A.Djuma says: " All
people - extortionists, me dear". He addresses these words to his former
mistress, the wife of baron Danglara, in the
justification of his cruelty in relation with his adult son whom he does not
want to know. Very often such or similar words can be heard from the lips of
people which have made this or that crime. See the reports of conversationsа with
criminals or interview north them their is. An example: former director KRAZa (the
In the justification
of the criminal acts criminals, as a rule, refer to general depravity,
perversity or nonsense of people.
The criminal
consciousness is consciousness of the person justifying his criminal acts
(swindle, larceny, violence, murder) with reference that all or the majority of
people are such bad (swindlers,
thieves, extortionists, tyrants, in a word, swine's, vermin's).
One more
feature of unfortunate and criminal consciousness is absolutization
of conflict relations between people, division of all people into winners and
defeated, on misters and slaves, etc.
Here is how
people with criminal consciousness sometime argue: Rodion
Raskolnikov in лthe Crime and punishment╗ F.M.Dostoevsky: "Whether can I break or can not?
Whether am I shivering creature or do I have?╗;
лEither gnaw everybody or lay in a dirty╗ (So his uncle acquired a condition in
the criminal way teaches young Foma's. See "Foma Gordeyev" M.Gorkiy); лIf you do not want to be the ram whom cut so
cut your self ╗ (so
criminal Rastegaev cynically says in the mover лBusiness motley╗); "Either you
eat, or you will be eaten", лPeople are divided in two categories: ones
dominate, and others submit╗ (these "or"а the foreman of float men from the movie
committed a crime names "The Owner of a taiga", "the law of a
taiga"); gangsters in the film "Bumer" say in their justification: лwe are
not such - the life is such╗, i.e. the life malicious, gangster.
The person, committed a crime, in effect, is unfortunate person.
Such dialogue has taken place in one film between the public prosecutor and the
criminal. The criminal in powerless fury has said: лI hate you, I hate! ╗ The
public prosecutor has answered: лDo you Hate? And I
feel sorry for you. Because there is no future for such as you╗ (лby it is
established Investigation╗, in leaguing roles Viya Artmane and
Gunar Tsilinskiy).
The special
type of abnormal consciousness is the consciousness of the terrorist.
It represents a rattling mix of criminal and unfortunate consciousness. The
terrorist carries him self to good minority or to good, rind part of a society
and in this aspect his consciousness is to unfortunate consciousness. But as
opposed people with unfortunate consciousness the terrorist is adjusted to
uncompromising struggle with the bad majority (with a bad part of society). He
is ready to kill absolute everybody (including children, women, old men) whom he adds to the bad majority.
Here is a
characteristic example. One of the members of terrorist
group. Who took in hostages some children and adults at school of Beslan (Northern Ossetia, Russia,
on September, 1-3, 2004), has declared in conversation with a hostage-woman (in
reply to her reproach regarding the severe attitude to prisoner-children) that
there is no sense to regret these children because as well as their parents
they become лaddicts and prostitutes╗. That is so. Terrorists justify their
brutal acts as they struggle against bad people, against those who, in their
opinion, was morally spread out, became inhuman (лaddicts and prostitutes╗) and who
should not be regretted any more but who should be destroyed, destroyed,
destroy Е (As a result terrorists in Beslan killed
335 person, including 156 children, wounded more then 700 person).
consciousness of so-called noble
robber represents almost the same rattling mix of
unfortunate and criminal consciousness.
The information always moves in THE aspect of the
estimation - attitude to the world (to THE situation, the facts)
There is whet
I have heard in one documentary film: "In past time it seemed that the
amount of the accidents caused by tectonic shifts, that,
increased. But actually our awareness grows up, instead of amount or scale of
accidents. It seems to me, that in reality the situation didn't charge, but
attitude relation to it has actually changed. Mass media started to pay much
more attention to eruptions of volcano's and earthquakes". (Words of prof. Sam Bowring, from documentary film BBC "the Naked science. Collision of continents", shown on a TV
channel "Culture" on March, 20, 2007)
In the reality, the information always moves in aspect
of estimation - attitude to the world (toа situation, fact). It means, that there can not be absolutely objective
information. It is always painted in this or that subjective color (optimism or
pessimism, starry-eyed idealism or negativism, goodwill or bad will,
criticism, ignoring or disaster,
suspicious nesses, alarming).
Translated by A. Kondratova (╧хЁхтхыр ╩юэфЁрЄютр └ээр, уЁ. 714 ╚▌╘ ╨▌└,
L. E. Balashov
The person - a measure of all thingsЕ
When not sunny
there would be an eye, it would not see the sun.
Now began almost a rule
of a good form to abuse our time, to speak about its weights, etc. and etc.
The item basically are abused by those to whom for 50-60 years.
Here we collide with a phenomenon of a false objectivism. This phenomenon
arises in a situation when the person, being guided by object, an objective
reality, tries to etch from the consciousness all subjective, as though to
subtract itself from a reality. Such position leads to that the person ceases
to consider the feature- subjectivity at consideration of object and it leads
to a situation of self- deception, a false objectivism. It seems to it, that it
objectively estimates things. And in actual fact pretty often it is
imperceptible for itself brings in this estimation the
subjective features, predilections as does not consider them and, accordingly,
does not correct the estimation. As a result instead of the present objectivism
we see subjectivity in a toga of an objectivism, false, imaginary objectivism.
LetТs take such
rather widespread and somewhere even an ordinary example of a false
objectivism: grumbling of old men in occasion of perversity of present youth,
in occasion of bad present time and, on the contrary, eulogy of time of the
youth by them. Thus they often assure themselves and others that objectively
estimate that and other time. Old men usually forget, that in a youth they were
full of energy, positive emotions, all seemed to them is better and that in
their senile condition is not present already beating too much energy, feelings
have mostly become dull, have cooled down and the painful sensations caused by
a natural course of involution, aging dominate. From here old men are inclined to
exaggerate good time of their youth and bad present time.
As involution
(return development) begins somewhere after 25th years, in a situation of old
men can appear both 40-years and 50-years...
Now we shall take
an example of the researcher estimating our time. The researcher, unlike the
grumbling old man, tries to be as much as possible objective, analyzes weight
of the facts, weighs all pro and contra and only then does conclusions,
estimates. If, however, it does not consider the subjectivity at an estimation
of the complex phenomena, such as our time У, it will be pretty often tendentious to analyze and estimate the facts.
If to this researcher for 40 or 50 years it will project the negative emotions
for present time and this time at it will be same sad, as its own present life.
If this researcher has taken the trouble to interrogate 20 - 30-years young men it mostly would meet positive or
quiet reaction to present time. And really, as differently to young men to estimate time! They in other
did not live. The researcher, by the way, if it does not wish to appear in a
situation false objectivism, should consider not only the subjectivity, but
also subjectivity, subjective sensations these
young men and in general others, whenever possible, many people.
As it is
represented to me, the researcher analyzing and estimating У our time У, cannot do any
scientific conclusions applying for the unequivocal validity. In fact the
phenomenon ofФ our time Уis so combined, that any scientific method-way will
give only simplified and consequently unilateral picture of an event in it.
Only philosophical estimation of our
time is possible. And it by definition does not apply for the unconditional
validity and unconditional objectivity, impartiality. Yes, certainly, л it is
not necessary to measure the temperature of the society, putting a thermometer
under your mousy ╗.. But
it is not necessary to forget and that л the person - a measure of all things ╗. And other measures does
not exist.
Basically, always
there are people who abuse time, modern it an epoch, a civilization. How many
was any destroying characteristics given by known people to time (both in an
antiquity, and during new time, and in XX a century)! Shakespeare Hamlet lips
spoke: communication has broken up times У. Our Ampere-second. Pushkin
characterized time as У a severe century У (a poem
УMonumentФ). Film director Andrey Tarkovsky
approved: У the modern
civilization has deadlocked У(from film about this film director)., etc. It is
possible to result hundreds-thousand similar statements. About what it speaks?
That, as a rule, not time bad, and the people who have been adjusted pessimistically
on different circumstances, think and express time badly, i.
e. Hasten with negative generalizations, literally make a logic mistake hasty.
I personally have more on a shower of a word of Russian philosopher I.A.Ilyin: лNever
complain for a while, for for that you and were born
to make it better╗.
*аааа *аааа *
Known poet Dmitry Prigov has agreed that has
twice named the person the rascal in the teleprogram
УDelicaciesФ on TVon March, 23rd, 2003 Second time it
has told so: Уthe Person on the nature all the same the rascal У. What it is possible to tell on it? Shocking,
irresponsibility, slander on the person or loss of reference points, confusion.
Prigov can be regretted only. So it is poisoned by
poison of anticulture and antihumanism...
It is visible, it saw in a life of love, kindness, geniality, nobleness,
conscientious, decent, worthy people a little.
[To data: the word
УrascalФ in Russian is meant У by the mean, low, disgraceful person, the villain, the bastard У, and the word УmeanlyФ - is extremely disgraceful, T. e. Low, meanly]
The one who
approves, that the person on the nature the rascal, itself in effect is those. У Any villain, - spoke Century of Century Stasov, - always suspects other people of any meanness У. (example.: лif the person
himself became worse, all seems to it╗ Ч M.
J. Lermontov). The Georgian wisdom speaks about the
same: У the malicious person
believes, that all people are similar to it У. Shakespeare has such lines:
Also it in any of
near sees lie,
As near to it it is similar.
(Sonet ╣ 121)
And, on the
contrary, Уthe well the person, the more difficultly to it to suspect others of
Approving, that the
person on the nature the rascal, not simply dishonourable,
but ideologically-is conscious dishonourable, doing
philosophy from the dishonourableness. Or it erects
the personal dishonourableness in dishonourableness
of all people, or all except for itself considers as rascals... In that and
other case the person shows directly or indirectly the dishonourableness.
From the Internet
(forums): If for you all thieves about it Shakespeare has well written And it in any of near sees lie, As near to it is similar!
People with such
consciousness recognize that Уthe world is full of a harm У, that all or the majority of people HOF5I3I1H in a sin, are
vicious, egoists, swines, etc. and T. The item
Unfortunate consciousness is a consciousness of a victim, and criminal
consciousness - consciousness of the villain.
The person with
unfortunate consciousness passively concerns to a harm as a victim, it is
intimidated, complains, shouts, shout, but nothing does.
The person with criminal
consciousness, including all or the majority of people villains, and considers
itself same. Such person argues: time people bad there is nothing with them,
and it is possible and it is necessary to address with them as they deserve
that, T. e. Severely, ruthlessly.
Some philosophers
it is free or involuntarily accompany people with
criminal consciousness, declaring, in particular, the person malicious animal (F.Nitsshe), a mistake, hack-work of the nature, the most
vile essence on the Earth, etc.
Displays of unfortunate and-or criminal consciousness:
Some women consider
men as egoists, animals and T. Item (the Heroine of a teleserial
Уthe March Turkish У, put under the same book
speaks: УYes muzhiks are not present normal, Alexandr У)
Some men consider
women as streetwalts (яюЄрёъєїрьш), as silly creations. They even have thought up a saying search for the
woman. The Protagonist of the Polish film УSorcererФ directly declares: У From women all angrily on light
Representatives of
one nationality (a sort, a tribe, races) consider at times others as the lowest
essences, dirty, mean, wild.
Representatives of
one religious faith consider at times representatives of other religious faiths
or non-believers incorrect, T. e. Defective, defective and even enemies.
Public prosecutor Vilfor from У Column Monte-christo У speaks A.Djuma: УAll people - extortioners, my darling У. It speaks these words to the former mistress, the wife
of baron Danglara in the justification of the cruelty
in relation to the adult son whom it does not wish to know. Very often such or
similar words can be heard from lips of the people who have made this or that
crime. See reports of conversations in with criminals or interview to them.
Here an example: former director KRAZ (the
I knew it (was У the friend У) as the normal
person, but
Criminals in the
justification of the criminal acts, as a rule, refer to general perversity,
perversity or nonsense of people.
The criminal
consciousness is a consciousness of the person justifying the criminal acts
(swindle, larceny, violence, murder) the reference that all or the majority of
people - such (swindlers, thieves, extortioners,
tyrants, in a word, swines, vermins).
One more feature of unfortunate and criminal
consciousness: absolutization of disputed attitudes
between people, division of all people into winners and won, on misters and
slaves etc.
Here is how people
with criminal consciousness at times argue:
Rodion Raskolnikov in Уthe Crime and punishment У. DostoevskyТs m.:
whether У I Can break or I can
not? The Creature I shivering or have the right? У;
л or all or lay in a dirt У (so its uncle teaches young Foma,
acquired a condition criminal by. See УFoma GordeyevФ of M. Gorky);Ф You do not wish to be the ram whom
cut so cut itself У (so criminal Rastegaev in У cynically speaks
Business motley У); У either you eat, or you will eat У, У people share on two
categories: which dominate, and which submit У (these У or У the Owner of a
taiga У the foreman cruTaBnu4KoB, committed a crime) УnamesФ
the law of a taigaФ in a film; gangsters in film УBimmerФ
speak in the justification: У not we such - a life such У, T. e. A life malicious, gangster.
Committed a crime, - in effect, the unfortunate person. Such dialogue took
place in one film between the public prosecutor and the criminal. The criminal
in powerless fury has thrown: У I hate you, I hate! У The public
prosecutor has answered: У Hate? And you it is a pity to me. Because at such as you are not present the
Special type of
abnormal consciousness is the consciousness of the terrorist. It represents a
rattling mix of criminal and unfortunate consciousness. The terrorist carries
itself to good minority or to good, and in it its consciousness is similar a
good part of a society to unfortunate consciousness. But unlike people with
unfortunate consciousness the terrorist is adjusted on uncompromising struggle
with the bad majority (with a bad part of a society). It is ready to kill
absolutely all (including children, women, old men) whom it carries to the bad
example. One of members of the terrorist
group which have grasped in hostages of children and adults at school of Beslan (Northern Ossetia, Russia,
on September, 1-3st, 2004), has declared in
conversation with the hostage, in reply to its reproach in the severe attitude
to grasped children, that there is nothing to regret these children as as well as their parents they become У addicts and prostitutes У. Here so. Terrorists justify the brutal acts that they
struggle against bad people, those who, in their opinion, has morally decayed, (У addicts and
prostitutes У) and who any more should not be regretted but only to destroy, destroy,
destroy ... (As a result from hands of terrorists in Beslan was lost 335 person, including 156 children, are wounded from above 700 person).
Almost same
rattling mix of unfortunate and criminal consciousness is represented with
consciousness of the so-called noble
Here that I have
heard in one documental Film: Уlast years the quantity of the accidents caused
by tectonic shifts began to seem, that, increases. But actually our knowledge, instead
of quantity or scale of accidents grows. It seems to me, that the situation, and the attitude to it has actually changed not.
Mass media began to give much more attention to eruptions of volcanos and earthquakes У. (Words Sam Bowring, from documental film BBC У the Naked science. Collision continent, shown on a
telechannel УCultureФ on March, 20th, 2007)
Really, the information always moves in aspect of an estimationattitude to the world (to a situation, the fact). It means, that there can not be absolutely objective information. It is always painted in this or that subjective color (optimism or pessimism, starry-eyed idealism or negativism, goodwill or accident, su spiciousnesses, alarmizm).
Translated by
╦. ┼. ┴рыр°ют
╫хыютхъ Ч ьхЁр тёхї тх∙хщЕ
с эх ёюыэхўхэ с√ы уырч, юэ ёюыэЎр с эх єтшфхы.
╤хщўрё ёЄрыю ўєЄ№ ыш эх яЁртшыюь їюЁю°хую Єюэр ЁєурЄ№ эр°х тЁхь ,
уютюЁшЄ№ ю хую Є цхёЄ ї ш Є. ф. ш Є. я.
эхъюЄюЁ√х яЁшьхЁ√:
л┬ эр°
тхъ Ўшэшчьр, Їры№°ш ш ыцш...╗ (23.02.05 Ч їєфюц. ЁєъютюфшЄхы№
уЁєяя√ л╦■с¤╗ ═. ╨рёЄюЁуєхт)
л┬ эр°х
яЁючршўхёъюх тЁхь ...╗ (14.01.05 Ч ╤т Єюёырт ┴¤ычр, шч Ёхъырь√ Єхыхърэрыр
л...ёыюцэр , эхєфюсэр , эхє■Єэр фхщёЄтшЄхы№эюёЄ№...╗
(24.02.05 Ч ╬ъёрэр ┴єырэютр, яшёрЄхы№эшЎр, ърэры л╩єы№ЄєЁр╗, л└яюъЁшЇ╗).
┬ юёэютэюь
Ёєур■Є Єх, ъюьє чр 50-60 ыхЄ. ╟фхё№ ь√ ёЄрыъштрхьё ё Їхэюьхэюь ыюцэюую
юс·хъЄштшчьр. ▌ЄюЄ Їхэюьхэ тючэшърхЄ т ёшЄєрЎшш, ъюуфр ўхыютхъ, юЁшхэЄшЁє ё№ эр
юс·хъЄ, юс·хъЄштэє■ Ёхры№эюёЄ№, ёЄрЁрхЄё т√ЄЁртшЄ№ шч ётюхую ёючэрэш тё╕
ёєс·хъЄштэюх, ъръ с√ т√ўхёЄ№ ёхс шч Ёхры№эюёЄш. ╥рър яючшЎш яЁштюфшЄ ъ Єюьє,
ўЄю ўхыютхъ яхЁхёЄрхЄ єўшЄ√трЄ№ ётю■ юёюсхээюёЄ№-ёєс·хъЄштэюёЄ№ яЁш
ЁрёёьюЄЁхэшш юс·хъЄр ш ¤Єю яЁштюфшЄ ъ ёшЄєрЎшш ёрьююсьрэр, ыюцэюую
юс·хъЄштшчьр. ┼ьє ърцхЄё , ўЄю юэ юс·хъЄштэю юЎхэштрхЄ тх∙ш. └ эр яютхЁъє
ёяыю°№ ш Ё фюь эхчрьхЄэю фы ёхс тэюёшЄ т ¤Єє юЎхэъє ётюш ёєс·хъЄштэ√х ўхЁЄ√,
яЁшёЄЁрёЄш , яюёъюы№ъє эх єўшЄ√трхЄ шї ш, ёююЄтхЄёЄтхээю, эх ъюЁЁхъЄшЁєхЄ ётю■
юЎхэъє. ┬ шЄюух тьхёЄю эрёЄю ∙хую юс·хъЄштшчьр ь√ тшфшь ёєс·хъЄштшчь, Ё ф ∙шщё
т Єюує юс·хъЄштшчьр, ыюцэ√щ, ьэшь√щ юс·хъЄштшчь.
Єръющ тхё№ьр ЁрёяЁюёЄЁрэхээ√щ ш уфх-Єю фрцх юс√фхээ√щ яЁшьхЁ ыюцэюую
юс·хъЄштшчьр: сЁ■чцрэшх ёЄрЁшъют яю яютюфє шёяюЁўхээюёЄш э√эх°эхщ ьюыюфхцш, яю
яютюфє яыюїюую э√эх°эхую тЁхьхэш ш, эряЁюЄшт, тюёїтрыхэшх шьш тЁхьхэш ётюхщ
ьюыюфюёЄш. ╧Ёш ¤Єюь юэш ўрёЄю єтхЁ ■Є ёхс ш фЁєушї т Єюь, ўЄю юс·хъЄштэю
юЎхэштр■Є Єю ш фЁєуюх тЁхь . ╤ЄрЁшъш юс√ўэю чрс√тр■Є, ўЄю т ьюыюфюёЄш юэш с√ыш
яюыэ√ ¤эхЁушш, яюыюцшЄхы№э√ї ¤ьюЎшщ, тё╕ шь ърчрыюё№ ыєў°х ш
ўЄю т шї ёЄрЁўхёъюь ёюёЄю эшш эхЄ єцх с№■∙хщ ўхЁхч ъЁрщ ¤эхЁушш, ўєтёЄтр
сюы№°хщ ўрёЄ№■ яЁшЄєяшышё№, юёЄ√ыш ш уюёяюфёЄтє■Є сюыхчэхээ√х ю∙є∙хэш ,
т√чтрээ√х хёЄхёЄтхээ√ь їюфюь шэтюы■Ўшш, юфЁ їыхэш . ╬Єё■фр ёЄрЁшъш ёъыюээ√
яЁхєтхышўштрЄ№ їюЁю°хёЄ№ тЁхьхэш шї ьюыюфюёЄш ш яыюїюёЄ№ эрёЄю ∙хую тЁхьхэш.
╩шэюръЄхЁ └. └фрср°№ э юёЄЁюєьэю чрьхЄшы т юфэющ ЄхыхяхЁхфрўх: л╩юэхўэю, ыєў°х цшЄ№ т 20 ыхЄ (ьюыюф√ь) т ъюььєэрыъх, ўхь т 70 ыхЄ (ёЄрЁшъюь) т юЄфхы№эющ ътрЁЄшЁх.╗ (Єхыхърэры л╩єы№ЄєЁр╗, яЁюуЁрььр л╦шэш цшчэш╗, 29.05.06).
шэтюы■Ўш (юсЁрЄэюх ЁрчтшЄшх) эрўшэрхЄё уфх-Єю яюёых 25-ш ыхЄ, т ёшЄєрЎшш
ёЄрЁшъют ьюуєЄ юърчрЄ№ё ш 40-ыхЄэшх ш 50-ыхЄэшх...
тюч№ьхь яЁшьхЁ шёёыхфютрЄхы , юЎхэштр■∙хую эр°х тЁхь . ╚ёёыхфютрЄхы№, т юЄышўшх
юЄ сЁ■чцр∙хую ёЄрЁшър, ёЄрЁрхЄё с√Є№ ьръёшьры№эю
юс·хъЄштэ√ь, рэрышчшЁєхЄ ьрёёє ЇръЄют, тчтх°штрхЄ тё╕ УчрФ ш УяЁюЄштФ ш Єюы№ъю
Єюуфр фхырхЄ т√тюф√, юЎхэштрхЄ. ┼ёыш, юфэръю, юэ эх єўшЄ√трхЄ ётюхщ ёєс·хъЄштэюёЄш,
Єю яЁш юЎхэъх ёыюцэ√ї тыхэшщ, Єръшї ъръ Уэр°х тЁхь Ф, юэ ёяыю°№ ш Ё фюь сєфхЄ
ЄхэфхэЎшючэю рэрышчшЁютрЄ№ ш юЎхэштрЄ№ ЇръЄ√. ┼ёыш ¤Єюьє шёёыхфютрЄхы■ чр 40
шыш 50 ыхЄ, Єю юэ сєфхЄ ётюш эхурЄштэ√х ¤ьюЎшш яЁюхЎшЁютрЄ№ эр э√эх°эхх тЁхь ш
¤Єю тЁхь є эхую сєфхЄ Єръшь цх схчЁрфюёЄэ√ь, ъръ хую ёюсёЄтхээр ЄхяхЁх°э
цшчэ№. ┼ёыш с√ ¤ЄюЄ шёёыхфютрЄхы№ тч ы эр ёхс ЄЁєф юяЁюёшЄ№ 20-ш Ч 30-ыхЄэшї
ьюыюф√ї ы■фхщ, Єю юэ сюы№°хщ ўрёЄ№■ тёЄЁхЄшы с√ яюыюцшЄхы№эє■ шыш ёяюъющэє■ ЁхръЎш■
эр э√эх°эхх тЁхь . ╚ т ёрьюь фхых, ъръ шэрўх ьюыюф√ь ы■ф ь юЎхэштрЄ№ ётюх тЁхь ! ╬эш цх т фЁєуюь эх цшыш. ╚ёёыхфютрЄхы№, ъёЄрЄш, хёыш юэ эх їюўхЄ юърчрЄ№ё
т ёшЄєрЎшш ыюцэюую юс·хъЄштшчьр, фюыцхэ єўшЄ√трЄ№ эх Єюы№ъю ётю■
ёєс·хъЄштэюёЄ№, эю ш ёєс·хъЄштэюёЄ№, ёєс·хъЄштэ√х ю∙є∙хэш ¤Єшї ьюыюф√ї ы■фхщ ш тююс∙х фЁєушї, яю тючьюцэюёЄш, ьэюушї ы■фхщ.
╩ръ ьэх
яЁхфёЄрты хЄё , шёёыхфютрЄхы№, рэрышчшЁє■∙шщ ш юЎхэштр■∙шщ Уэр°х тЁхь Ф, эх
ьюцхЄ фхырЄ№ ъръшх-ышсю эрєўэ√х
т√тюф√, яЁхЄхэфє■∙шх эр юфэючэрўэє■
шёЄшээюёЄ№. ┬хф№ Їхэюьхэ Уэр°хую тЁхьхэшФ эрёЄюы№ъю ёыюцхэ, ўЄю ы■сющ эрєўэ√щ
ьхЄюф-яєЄ№ сєфхЄ фртрЄ№ ыш°№ єяЁю∙хээє■ ш яюЄюьє юфэюёЄюЁюээ■■ ърЁЄшэє
яЁюшёїюф ∙хую т э╕ь. ┬ючьюцэр ыш°№ ЇшыюёюЇёър юЎхэър эр°хую тЁхьхэш. └
юэр яю юяЁхфхыхэш■ эх яЁхЄхэфєхЄ эр схчєёыютэє■ шёЄшээюёЄ№ ш схчєёыютэє■ юс·хъЄштэюёЄ№,
схёяЁшёЄЁрёЄэюёЄ№. ─р, ъюэхўэю, Уэх эрфю ьхЁшЄ№ ЄхьяхЁрЄєЁє юс∙хёЄтр, ёЄртшт уЁрфєёэшъ ёхсх яюф ь√°ъшФ. ═ю эх эрфю чрс√трЄ№ ш ю
Єюь, ўЄю Уўхыютхъ Ч ьхЁр тёхї тх∙хщФ. ╚ фЁєушї ьхЁ эх ёє∙хёЄтєхЄ.
яЁшэЎшях, тёхуфр эрїюф Єё ы■фш, ъюЄюЁ√х Ёєур■Є ётюх тЁхь , ёютЁхьхээє■ шь
¤яюїє, ЎштшышчрЎш■. ╤ъюы№ъю с√ыю тё ъшї єэшўЄюцр■∙шї їрЁръЄхЁшёЄшъ, фрээ√ї
шчтхёЄэ√ьш ы■ф№ьш ётюхьє тЁхьхэш (ш т фЁхтэюёЄш, ш т эютюх тЁхь , ш т ╒╒ тхъх)!
╪хъёяшЁ єёЄрьш ├рьыхЄр уютюЁшы: лЁрёярырё№ ёт ч№ тЁхьхэ╗. ═р°
└. ╤. ╧є°ъшэ їрЁръЄхЁшчютры ётюх тЁхь ъръ лцхёЄюъшщ тхъ╗ (ёЄшїюЄтюЁхэшх
л╧рь Єэшъ╗). ╩шэюЁхцшёёхЁ └эфЁхщ ╥рЁъютёъшщ єЄтхЁцфры: лёютЁхьхээр ЎштшышчрЎш
чр°ыр т Єєяшъ╗ (шч Їшы№ьр юс ¤Єюь ъшэюЁхцшёёхЁх). ╚ Є. ф., ш Є. я. ╠юцэю
яЁштхёЄш ёюЄэш-Є√ё ўш
яюфюсэ√ї т√ёърч√трэшщ. ╬ ўхь ¤Єю уютюЁшЄ? ╬ Єюь, ўЄю, ъръ яЁртшыю, эх тЁхь яыюїюх,
р ы■фш, эрёЄЁюхээ√х яхёёшьшёЄшўхёъш яю Ёрчэ√ь юсёЄю Єхы№ёЄтрь, фєьр■Є ш
т√ёърч√тр■Єё ю ётюхь тЁхьхэш яыюїю, Є. х. ёях°рЄ ё эхурЄштэ√ьш юсюс∙хэш ьш,
сєътры№эю ёютхЁ°р■Є ыюушўхёъє■ ю°шсъє яюёях°эюую юсюс∙хэш .
ышўэю сюы№°х яю фє°х ёыютр Ёєёёъюую ЇшыюёюЇр ╚.└. ╚ы№шэр: л═шъюуфр эх црыєщё эр тЁхь , шсю фы Єюую Є√ ш Ёюфшыё , ўЄюс√ ёфхырЄ№
хую ыєў°х╗.
*аа *ааа *
╚чтхёЄэ√щ яю¤Є ─ьшЄЁшщ ╧Ёшуют фюуютюЁшыё фю Єюую, ўЄю фтрцф√ эрчтры ўхыютхър яюфыхЎюь т ЄхыхяЁюуЁрььх л─хышърЄхё√╗ яю ╥┬╓ 23 ьрЁЄр
[╩ ётхфхэш■: ёыютю ляюфыхЎ╗ т Ёєёёъюь ч√ъх ючэрўрхЄ ляюфы√щ, эшчъшщ, схёўхёЄэ√щ ўхыютхъ, эхуюф щ, ьхЁчртхЎ╗, р ёыютю ляюфыю╗ Ч т т√ё°хщ ёЄхяхэш схёўхёЄэю, Є. х. эшчъю, уэєёэю (╤ь.: ╤.╚.╬цхуют. ╤ыютрЁ№ Ёєёёъюую ч√ър; ╤ыютрЁ№ ёшэюэшьют. ╦., 1975.)]
╥юЄ, ъЄю єЄтхЁцфрхЄ, ўЄю
ўхыютхъ яю ётюхщ эрЄєЁх яюфыхЎ, ёрь т ёє∙эюёЄш
ты хЄё Єръют√ь. л┬ё ъшщ эхуюф щ, Ч уютюЁшы
┬. ┬. ╤Єрёют, Ч тёхуфр яюфючЁхтрхЄ фЁєушї ы■фхщ т ъръющ-эшсєф№
эшчюёЄш╗ (╤ь.: ╩. ╫єъютёъшщ.
╤ютЁхьхээшъш. ╠.,1962. ╤. 683). (╤Ёртэ.:
лхёыш ўхыютхъ ёрь ёЄры їєцх, Єю тёх хьє їєцх ърцхЄё ╗ Ч ╠. ▐. ╦хЁьюэЄют).
╬ Єюь цх уютюЁшЄ уЁєчшэёър ьєфЁюёЄ№: лчыющ ўхыютхъ яюырурхЄ, ўЄю тёх ы■фш яюфюсэ√
хьє╗. ╙ ╪хъёяшЁр хёЄ№ Єръшх ёЄЁюъш:
╚ тшфшЄ юэ т ы■сюь шч сышцэшї ыюц№,
╧юёъюы№ъє сышцэшщ эр
эхую яюїюц.
(╤юэхЄ ╣ 121)
╚, эряЁюЄшт, лўхь
яюЁ фюўэхх ўхыютхъ, Єхь ЄЁєфэхх хьє яюфючЁхтрЄ№ фЁєушї т схёўхёЄшш╗ (╓шЎхЁюэ).
╙ЄтхЁцфр■∙шщ, ўЄю ўхыютхъ
яю ётюхщ эрЄєЁх яюфыхЎ, эх яЁюёЄю эхяюЁ фюўэ√щ, р шфхщэю-ёючэрЄхы№эю
эхяюЁ фюўэ√щ, фхыр■∙шщ ЇшыюёюЇш■ шч ётюхщ эхяюЁ фюўэюёЄш. ╦шсю ётю■ ышўэє■
эхяюЁ фюўэюёЄ№ юэ тючтюфшЄ т эхяюЁ фюўэюёЄ№ тёхї ы■фхщ, ышсю тёхї ъЁюьх ёхс
ёўшЄрхЄ яюфыхЎрьш... ┬ Єюь ш фЁєуюь ёыєўрх ўхыютхъ
фхьюэёЄЁшЁєхЄ яЁ ью шыш ъюётхээю ётю■ эхяюЁ фюўэюёЄ№.
╚ч ╚эЄхЁэхЄр (ЇюЁєь√):
┼ёыш фы Єхс тёх тюЁ№х,
Єю юс ¤Єюь їюЁю°ю эряшёры ╪хъёяшЁ "╚ тшфшЄ юэ т ы■сюь шч сышцэшї ыюц№, ╧юёъюы№ъє сышцэшщ эр эхую яюїюц!"
┬шы№ ь ╪хъёяшЁ. ╤юэхЄ√. 121
╙ц ыєў°х уЁх°э√ь с√Є№, ўхь
уЁх°э√ь ёы√Є№.
═ряЁрёышэр ёЄЁр°эхх юсышўхэ№ .
╚ ушсэхЄ ЁрфюёЄ№, ъюы№ хх
─юыцэю эх эр°х, р ўєцюх
╩ръ ьюцхЄ тчуы ф ўєцшї
яюЁюўэ√ї уырч
┘рфшЄ№ тю ьэх шуЁє уюЁ ўхщ
╧єёЄ№ уЁх°хэ , эю эх
уЁх°эхх трё,
╠юш °яшюэ√, ьрёЄхЁр
чыюёыют№ .
▀ - ¤Єю , р т√ уЁхїш ьюш
╧ю ётюхьє Ёртэ хЄх
═ю, ьюцхЄ с√Є№, яЁ ь, р
є ёєф№ш
═хяЁртюую т Ёєърї ъЁштр ьхЁр,
╚ тшфшЄ юэ т ы■сюь шч сышцэшї ыюц№,
сышцэшщ эр эхую яюїюц!
╦■фш ё
Єръшь ёючэрэшхь шёїюф Є шч Єюую, ўЄю "ьшЁ яюыюэ чыр", ўЄю тёх шыш
сюы№°шэёЄтю ы■фхщ яюуЁ чыш т уЁхїх, яюЁюўэ√, ¤уюшёЄ√, ётюыюўш ш Є. ф. ш
Є. я. ═хёўрёЄэюх ёючэрэшх Ч ¤Єю
ёючэрэшх цхЁЄт√, р яЁхёЄєяэюх ёючэрэшх Ч ёючэрэшх чыюфх .
╫хыютхъ ё эхёўрёЄэ√ь ёючэрэшхь
ярёёштэю юЄэюёшЄё ъ чыє, ъръ цхЁЄтр, чряєурэ, црыєхЄё , ъЁшўшЄ, тюяшЄ, эю ёрь эшўхую эх фхырхЄ.
╫хыютхъ ё яЁхёЄєяэ√ь
ёючэрэшхь, ёўшЄр тёхї шыш сюы№°шэёЄтю ы■фхщ чыюфх ьш, ш ёхс ёўшЄрхЄ Єръшь цх.
╥ръющ ўхыютхъ ЁрёёєцфрхЄ: Ёрч ы■фш яыюїшх, Єю эхўхую ё эшьш ЎхЁхьюэшЄ№ё , р
ьюцэю ш эєцэю юсЁр∙рЄ№ё ё эшьш, ъръ юэш Єюую чрёыєцштр■Є, Є. х. цхёЄюъю,
═хъюЄюЁ√х ЇшыюёюЇ√ тюы№эю
шыш эхтюы№эю яюф√уЁ√тр■Є ы■ф ь ё яЁхёЄєяэ√ь ёючэрэшхь, юс· ты , т ўрёЄэюёЄш,
ўхыютхър чы√ь цштюЄэ√ь (╘. ═шЎ°х), ю°шсъющ, їрыЄєЁющ
яЁшЁюф√, ёрь√ь ьхЁчъшь ёє∙хёЄтюь эр ╟хьых ш Є. ф.
╧Ёю тыхэш эхёўрёЄэюую ш/шыш яЁхёЄєяэюую ёючэрэш :
цхэ∙шэ√ ёўшЄр■Є ьєцўшэ ¤уюшёЄрьш, цштюЄэ√ьш ш Є. я. (├хЁюшэ ЄхыхёхЁшрыр
"╠рЁ° ╥єЁхЎъюую", яюёЄртыхээюую яю юфэюшьхээющ ъэшух ╘ЁшфЁшїр ═хчэрэёъюую, уютюЁшЄ: "─р ьєцшъют эхЄ эюЁьры№э√ї,
═хъюЄюЁ√х ьєцўшэ√ ёўшЄр■Є
цхэ∙шэ яюЄрёъє°ърьш, уыєя√ьш ёючфрэш ьш. ╬эш фрцх
яЁшфєьрыш яюуютюЁъє "°хЁ°х ы Їрь" ("ш∙шЄх цхэ∙шэє"). ├ыртэ√щ ухЁющ яюы№ёъюую
Їшы№ьр "╟эрїрЁ№" └эЄюэшщ ╩рёшср яЁ ью чр ты хЄ:
"╬Є срс тё╕ чыю эр ётхЄх".
юфэющ эрЎшюэры№эюёЄш (Ёюфр, яыхьхэш, Ёрё√) ёўшЄр■Є яюЁющ фЁєушї эшч°шьш
ёє∙хёЄтрьш, уЁ чэ√ьш, яюфы√ьш, фшъшьш.[LB1]
╧ЁхфёЄртшЄхыш юфэющ
Ёхышушючэющ ъюэЇхёёшш ёўшЄр■Є яюЁющ яЁхфёЄртшЄхыхщ
фЁєушї Ёхышушючэ√ї ъюэЇхёёшщ шыш эхтхЁє■∙шї
эхтхЁэ√ьш, Є. х. є∙хЁсэ√ьш, эхяюыэюЎхээ√ьш ш фрцх тЁрурьш.
╧ЁюъєЁюЁ ┬шы№ЇюЁ шч "├ЁрЇр ╠юэЄх-╩ЁшёЄю"
└.─■ьр уютюЁшЄ: "┬ёх ы■фш Ч т√ьюурЄхыш, ьшыр ью ". ▌Єш ёыютр юэ
уютюЁшЄ ётюхщ с√т°хщ ы■сютэшЎх, цхэх срЁюэр ─рэуырЁр
т юяЁртфрэшх ётюхую цхёЄюъюёхЁфш яю юЄэю°хэш■ ъ тчЁюёыюьє ё√эє, ъюЄюЁюую юэ эх
їюўхЄ чэрЄ№. ╬ўхэ№ ўрёЄю Єръшх шыш яюфюсэ√х ёыютр ьюцэю ёы√°рЄ№ шч єёЄ ы■фхщ,
ёютхЁ°шт°шї Єю шыш шэюх яЁхёЄєяыхэшх. ╤ь. яЁюЄюъюы√ схёхф т
ё яЁхёЄєяэшърьш шыш шэЄхЁт№■ ё эшьш. ┬юЄ яЁшьхЁ: с√т°шщ
фшЁхъЄюЁ ╩╨└╟р (╩Ёрёэю Ёёъюую ры■ьшэшхтюую чртюфр),
юстшэхээ√щ т юЁурэшчрЎшш Ё фр єсшщёЄт, Ч уютюЁшы т схёхфх, чряшёрээющ эр тшфхюяыхэъє:
"▀ чэры хую (ётюхую с√т°хую "фЁєур") ъръ эюЁьры№эюую ўхыютхър,
эю ╠юёътр тёхї яюЁЄшЄ ш уєсшЄ".
┬юЄ Єръ, эш сюы№°х эш ьхэ№°х. ▌ЄюЄ с√т°шщ фшЁхъЄюЁ схч
Єхэш ёюьэхэш , ърЄхуюЁшўэю тё■ ╠юёътє (ўшЄрщ: тёхї хх цшЄхыхщ, ьюёътшўхщ)
юстшэшы т Єюь ўЄю юэр тёхї яюЁЄшЄ ш уєсшЄ. ╬э эх
чрфєьрыё эрф Єхь, ўЄю ё ыхуъюёЄ№■ эхюс√ъэютхээющ юїр ы,
юяюЁюўшы 10 ьшыышюэют ьюёътшўхщ. ╩юэхўэю, ё Єръшь ёючэрэшхь ыхуъю ёЄрЄ№ эр яєЄ№
╧ЁхёЄєяэшъш т юяЁртфрэшх
ётюшї яЁхёЄєяэ√ї фхщёЄтшщ, ъръ яЁртшыю, ёё√ыр■Єё эр тёхюс∙є■ шёяюЁўхээюёЄ№,
яюЁюўэюёЄ№ шыш уыєяюёЄ№ ы■фхщ.
ёючэрэшх Ч ¤Єю ёючэрэшх ўхыютхър, юяЁртф√тр■∙хую ётюш яЁхёЄєяэ√х фхщёЄтш
(ью°хээшўхёЄтю, тюЁютёЄтю, эрёшышх, єсшщёЄтю) ёё√ыъющ эр Єю, ўЄю тёх шыш
сюы№°шэёЄтю ы■фхщ Ч Єръшх ё ъшх (ью°хээшъш, тюЁ√, т√ьюурЄхыш, эрёшы№эшъш, юфэшь
ёыютюь, ётюыюўш, яюфюэъш).
┼∙х юфэр юёюсхээюёЄ№ эхёўрёЄэюую ш яЁхёЄєяэюую ёючэрэш : рсёюы■ЄшчрЎш
ъюэЇышъЄэ√ї юЄэю°хэшщ ьхцфє ы■ф№ьш, фхыхэшх тёхї ы■фхщ эр яюсхфшЄхыхщ ш яюсхцфхээ√ї,
эр уюёяюф ш Ёрсют ш Є. я.
┬юЄ ъръ яюЁющ Ёрёёєцфр■Є
ы■фш ё яЁхёЄєяэ√ь ёючэрэшхь: ╨юфшюэ ╨рёъюы№эшъют т л╧ЁхёЄєяыхэшш ш эрърчрэшш╗
╘. ╠. ─юёЄюхтёъюую: л╠юує ыш яЁхёЄєяшЄ№ шыш эх ьюує? ╥трЁ№
фЁюцр∙р шыш шьх■ яЁртю?╗; лшыш тёхї уЁ√чш шыш ыхцш т уЁ чш╗ (Єръ яюєўрхЄ
■эюую ╘юьє хую ф ф , эрцшт°шщ ёюёЄю эшх яЁхёЄєяэ√ь яєЄхь. ╤ь. "╘юьр
├юЁфххт" ╠. ├юЁ№ъюую); лэх їюўх°№ с√Є№ срЁрэюь, ъюЄюЁюую ёЄЁшуєЄ, Єръ
ёЄЁшуш ёрь╗ (Єръ Ўшэшўэю уютюЁшЄ яЁхёЄєяэшъ ╨рёЄхурхт
т ъ/Ї л─хыю яхёЄЁ√ї╗);
"ышсю Є√ х°№, ышсю Єхс ё·хф Є", лы■фш фхы Єё эр фтх ърЄхуюЁшш:
ъюЄюЁ√х тырёЄтє■Є, р ъюЄюЁ√х яюфўшэ ■Єё ╗ (¤Єш "ышсю" эрч√трхЄ
"чръюэюь Єрщуш" т ъшэюЇшы№ьх "╒юч шэ Єрщуш" сЁшурфшЁ
ёяырт∙шъют, ёютхЁ°шт°шщ яЁхёЄєяыхэшх); срэфшЄ√ т Їшы№ьх л┴єьхЁ╗
уютюЁ Є т ётюх юяЁртфрэшх: лэх ь√ Єръшх Ч цшчэ№ Єрър ╗, Є. х. цшчэ№ чыр ,
срэфшЄёър .
╤ютхЁ°шт°шщ яЁхёЄєяыхэшх, Ч
т ёє∙эюёЄш, эхёўрёЄэ√щ ўхыютхъ. ┬ юфэюь Їшы№ьх ёюёЄю ыё Єръющ фшрыюу ьхцфє
яЁюъєЁюЁюь ш яЁхёЄєяэшъюь. ╧ЁхёЄєяэшъ т схёёшы№эющ ЁюёЄш сЁюёшы: лэхэртшцє
┬рё, эхэртшцє!╗ ╧ЁюъєЁюЁ юЄтхЄшыр: л═хэртшфшЄх? └ ьэх ┬рё цры№. ╧юЄюьє ўЄю є
Єръшї ъръ ┬√ эхЄ сєфє∙хую╗ (л╤ыхфёЄтшхь єёЄрэютыхэю╗, т уыртэ√ї Ёюы ї ┬ш └ЁЄьрэх ш ├єэрЁ
╬ёюс√ь Єшяюь рэюЁьры№эюую ёючэрэш
ты хЄё ёючэрэшх ЄхЁЁюЁшёЄр. ╬эю
яЁхфёЄрты хЄ ёюсющ уЁхьєўє■ ёьхё№ яЁхёЄєяэюую ш эхёўрёЄэюую ёючэрэш . ╥хЁЁюЁшёЄ
юЄэюёшЄ ёхс ъ їюЁю°хьє ьхэ№°шэёЄтє шыш ъ їюЁю°хщ, фюсЁющ ўрёЄш юс∙хёЄтр ш т
¤Єюь хую ёючэрэшх яюїюцх эр эхёўрёЄэюх ёючэрэшх. ═ю т юЄышўшх
юЄ ы■фхщ ё эхёўрёЄэ√ь ёючэрэшхь ЄхЁЁюЁшёЄ эрёЄЁюхэ эр эхяЁшьшЁшьє■ сюЁ№сє ё
яыюїшь сюы№°шэёЄтюь (ё яыюїющ ўрёЄ№■ юс∙хёЄтр). ╬э уюЄют єсштрЄ№
рсёюы■Єэю тёхї (т Єюь ўшёых фхЄхщ, цхэ∙шэ, ёЄрЁшъют), ъюую юэ юЄэюёшЄ ъ яыюїюьє
╒рЁръЄхЁэ√щ яЁшьхЁ. ╬фшэ шч ўыхэют
ЄхЁЁюЁшёЄшўхёъющ уЁєяя√, чрїтрЄшт°хщ т чрыюцэшъш фхЄхщ ш тчЁюёы√ї т °ъюых
┴хёырэр (╤хтхЁэр ╬ёхЄш , ╨юёёш , 1Ц3 ёхэЄ сЁ
╧юўЄш Єръє■ цх уЁхьєўє■ ёьхё№ эхёўрёЄэюую
ш яЁхёЄєяэюую ёючэрэш яЁхфёЄрты хЄ ёюсющ ёючэрэшх Єръ эрч√трхьюуюа сыруюЁюфэюую
┬юЄ ўЄю
єёы√°ры т юфэюь фюъєь. Їшы№ьх: "┬ яюёыхфэшх
уюф√ ёЄрыю ърчрЄ№ё , ўЄю ъюышўхёЄтю ърЄрёЄЁюЇ, т√чтрээ√ї ЄхъЄюэшўхёъшьш
ёфтшурьш, єтхышўштрхЄё . ═ю эр ёрьюь фхых ЁрёЄхЄ эр°р шэЇюЁьшЁютрээюёЄ№, р эх
ъюышўхёЄтю шыш ьрё°Єрс ърЄрёЄЁюЇ. ╠эх ърцхЄё , ўЄю т фхщёЄтшЄхы№эюёЄш
шчьхэшырё№ эх ёшЄєрЎш , р юЄэю°хэшх ъ эхщ. ╤ЁхфёЄтр ьрёёютющ шэЇюЁьрЎшш ёЄрыш
эрьэюую сюы№°х тэшьрэш єфхы Є№ шчтхЁцхэш ь тєыърэют ш чхьыхЄЁ ёхэш ь". (╤ыютр яЁюЇ. Sam Bowring,
шч фюъєьхэЄры№эюую Їшы№ьр BBC "├юыр эрєър. ╤Єюыъэютхэшх
ъюэЄшэхэЄют", яюърчрээюую яю Єхыхърэрыє "╩єы№ЄєЁр" 20 ьрЁЄр
┬ ёрьюь
фхых, шэЇюЁьрЎш тёхуфр яюфрхЄё т рёяхъЄх юЎхэъш-юЄэю°хэш ъ ьшЁє (ёшЄєрЎшш,
ЇръЄє). ▌Єю чэрўшЄ, ўЄю эх ьюцхЄ с√Є№ рсёюы■Єэю юс·хъЄштэющ шэЇюЁьрЎшш. ╬эр
тёхуфр юъЁр°хэр т ЄюЄ шыш шэющ ёєс·хъЄштэ√щ ЎтхЄ (юяЄшьшчьр шыш яхёёшьшчьр,
яЁхъЁрёэюфє°ш шыш эхурЄштшчьр, фюсЁюцхырЄхы№ёЄтр шыш чыюя√їрЄхы№ёЄтр,
°ряъючръшфрЄхы№ёЄтр, эряыхтшчьр шыш ърЄрёЄЁюЇшчьр,
ьэшЄхы№эюёЄш, рырЁьшчьр).